
Foot & Ankle Surgery

Podiatry located in Newnan and Fayetteville, GA
Foot & Ankle Surgery

Foot & Ankle Surgery services offered in Newnan and Fayetteville, GA

Consider foot and ankle surgery if you have chronic foot or ankle pain that keeps you from living an active and independent life. At Crossroads Podiatry in Newnan, Georgia, experienced podiatrist Everett J. Mason III, DPM, regularly performs various types of foot and ankle surgery, including limb salvage, fracture fixation, and ankle reconstruction. Call the office to request a foot and ankle surgery consultation today, or book an appointment online.

What is foot and ankle surgery?

Foot and ankle surgery refers to operative procedures that remove or repair damaged or diseased tissues in the feet, toes, or ankles. 

Your lower extremities have dozens of bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. These hard and soft tissues can withstand lots of wear and tear, but they aren’t invincible. 

If you suffer a foot or ankle injury or have a health problem that increases your risk of foot problems (like diabetes), Dr. Mason might recommend foot or ankle surgery. Surgery provides a safe and effective way to correct the problem before it worsens.

Are there different types of foot and ankle surgery?

At Crossroads Podiatry, Dr. Mason offers several types of foot and ankle surgery, including:

  • Limb salvage
  • Ankle reconstruction
  • Posterior tibialis tendon surgery
  • Bunion correction (bunionectomy)
  • Ankle fusion
  • Ankle replacement
  • Achilles tendon repair
  • Lateral ankle ligament reconstruction

Sometimes, Dr. Mason uses foot and ankle surgery to repair fractures. If you break a bone into several pieces, he can use implantable tools, like pins, rods, and plates, to hold it together. 

How do I prepare for foot and ankle surgery?

Before moving forward with foot and ankle surgery, Dr. Mason schedules a preoperative consultation.

He reviews your health charts, completes a physical exam, and orders lab testing, including bloodwork and urinalysis. 

Make sure to let Dr. Mason know if you have a chronic illness, like diabetes or heart disease. You should also tell him about the medications and supplements you take. Anesthesia is safe and usually well-tolerated, but certain health problems and medications can increase the risk of complications.

What does foot and ankle surgery involve?

Dr. Mason completes foot and ankle surgery at a nearby hospital or surgical facility.

On surgery day, you change into a gown and lie down on an operating table. A specialist administers general anesthesia intravenously, causing you to fall asleep. Once you’re comfortable, Dr. Mason uses special tools to remove the diseased or damaged tissues and make the necessary repairs.

Dr. Mason removes the tools, closes your incisions, and moves you to a recovery room for observation. 

Certain types of foot and ankle surgery are outpatient, meaning you can go home on the same day; others require hospitalization for several days.

Call Crossroads Podiatry to explore the benefits of foot and ankle surgery today, or book an appointment online.